Mango Industry Leads Baise onto the Bright “Mango” Road to Rural Revitalization

BAISE, China, April 12 (Bernama-AsiaNet) — Baise City in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is one of the major mango producing areas in China. After 40 years of development, it has become the “golden key” to prosperity for the people in Baise. In recent years, leveraging its advantages in mango cultivation areas, Baise has rapidly formed a robust industrial chain. According to Baise Fruit Industry Development Center, in 2023, the total mango area in Baise reached 1.37 million mu (roughly 913.33 square kilometers), accounting for approximately 24.19% of the total mango area in China; the output was 1.25 million tons, representing about 27.8% of the total national mango production, with a comprehensive output value of 19.2 billion yuan. The continuous breakthrough of double “million” targets in planting area and output has made Baise the largest mango production base among prefecture-level cities in the country.

Mango planting, as a labor-intensive industry, has played an important role in national strategies such as poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. In the main mango-producing area of Baise, relying on 9 autonomous region-level leading enterprises, 27 core mango planting demonstration areas at the county level and above have been established, which integrates sightseeing tourism and leisure. The demonstration areas at the autonomous region, city, and county levels have played a full role in driving the economic growth in surrounding areas, lifting nearly 200,000 people out of poverty. In 2016, at the National Industry Poverty Alleviation Conference, Guangxi mango became one of the top ten characteristic industry poverty alleviation examples promoted nationwide; in 2020, “Guangxi Tiandong: Technology Leads Green Drive – Mango Turns into Gold” was selected as one of the 100 typical cases of industry poverty alleviation by the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office.


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