Over 10,000 Syrian Rebels Fight In Libya: Monitor

Over 10,000 Syrian Rebels Fight In Libya: Monitor

DAMASCUS, July 11 (NNN-SANA) – Over 10,000 Turkey-backed Syrian rebels are fighting in Libya, alongside the UN-backed Libyan government, to fight against the east-based army, a war monitor reported.

So far, 16,000 Syrian rebels reached Libya through Turkey, 5,600 of them returned to Syria, after the contracts expired, while the rest are still in Libya, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Those who returned are waiting to renew their contracts to return to Libya, as they are being well-paid over there, said the Observatory.

Turkey offers a monthly salary of 2,000 U.S. dollars for those who agree to go to Libya, on contracts between three and six months, said the Observatory.

Meanwhile, the Observatory said, “Turkey’s goal in Libya now is, the battles for the oil fields and the city of Sirte.”– NNN-SANA


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