Pakistan’s Anti-Narcotics Force Arrested Int’l Traveller For Carrying Cocaine

Pakistan’s Anti-Narcotics Force Arrested Int’l Traveller For Carrying Cocaine

ISLAMABAD, Oct 3 (NNN-APP) – A passenger was arrested at the international airport in Lahore, capital of Pakistan’s eastern Punjab province, after 53 capsules filled with cocaine were found in his stomach, Pakistani Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) spokesperson said, yesterday.

The arrested person arrived in Lahore from the Omani capital of Muscat, the spokesperson said, adding that, a total of eight drug traffickers were arrested last week in seven different operations, in which more than 139 kg of drugs were seized.

Separately, at Sialkot International Airport in Punjab, another person was arrested for carrying 50 kg of methamphetamine and 50 kg of charas, said the spokesperson.– NNN-APP  


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