Tunisia prioritizes integration in Africa: Foreign Ministry on Africa Day

 TUNIS, May 26 (NNN-XINHUA) — Tunisia places joint African action, economic integration and regional integration at the top of its foreign policy, said the foreign ministry.

“In light of the polarization and geopolitical changes the world is going through nowadays, there is a need for more solidarity and adherence to the principles of the African Union in preserving the independence of its countries and non-interference in its internal affairs,” the ministry said in a Thursday statement released on the occasion of Africa Day.

Tunisia “has worked and continues to work, during its membership in the Peace and Security Council of the African Union for the period 2022-2024, to translate its vision aimed at placing the development and security of the continent at the forefront of its concerns and to contribute to finding just and lasting peaceful solutions to various African issues with the aim of achieving the goals of the African Agenda,” it said.

It stressed that Tunisia “was keen, during this period, to be a positive force to support security and stability in the continent, based on the principles of African solidarity and integration,” noting that Tunisia “will continue its efforts aimed at contributing to the consolidation of the pillars of sustainable peace on the African continent.”

African countries, organizations, and bodies celebrate “Africa Day” on Thursday in commemoration of the founding of the Organization of African Unity — now known as the African Union — on May 25, 1963. — NNN-XINHUA


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