Pakistan Welcomes China-Proposed Global Security Initiative

Pakistan Welcomes China-Proposed Global Security Initiative

ISLAMABAD, May 28 (NNN-APP) – Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomed the Global Security Initiative (GSI), proposed by the Chinese leadership, saying that, it derived its core from the principles of the United Nations.

The GSI focuses on the notion of the “UN Charter, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the states, multilateralism, peaceful resolution of disputes and equality of countries, in terms of security interests,” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Asim Iftikhar Ahmad, said here, during a weekly media briefing yesterday.

The GSI carries the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, Ahmad said, adding, it advocates cooperative and synergy-driven approaches, replacing the zero-sum world war mindset of maximisation of security through power and arms race.

It is a timely call to action, in the face of contemporary global realities, where the international community encounters traditional and non-traditional threats, that necessitate holistic approaches towards international and regional security, he said.

The spokesperson noted, the GSI recognises the need for international partnerships to address the common challenges of climate change, public health, water, energy and food security.– NNN-APP


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