Sergio Mattarella Re-Elected As Italy’s President With Wide Majority

Sergio Mattarella Re-Elected As Italy’s President With Wide Majority

ROME, Jan 30 (NNN-AGENCIES) – Italian President, Sergio Mattarella, was elected to a second term, Lower House Speaker, Roberto Fico, announced late yesterday, after parliament gathered in a joint session and concluded its eighth round of voting.

Mattarella was reconfirmed with a broad majority, namely 759 votes in favour, from a total of 983 lawmakers and regional representatives, actively taking part in the ballot.

“I wish to thank lawmakers and regional representatives for the faith they have put in me,” Mattarella, 80, said, in a declaration broadcast live from the Quirinale presidential palace, immediately after receiving the official notice of his re-election.

“The difficult days of this election, taking place during the serious health, economic, and social emergency we are still going through, call for a sense of responsibility and for the respect of the parliament’s decisions,” he said.

“These conditions require (us) to not avoid duties, which must prevail over other thoughts and different personal perspectives,” he added.

Mattarella’s candidacy emerged prominently at the end of a tense week, in which the two major political blocs – the centre-left and the centre-right – failed to agree on a different candidature.

As a consequence, seven rounds of voting were held since last Monday, all delivering inconclusive results and exposing deep fractures within both coalitions.

After the leaders of the largest parties from centre-right and centre-left acknowledged the stalemate yesterday morning, and agreed on Mattarella’s possible second term, a direct request was submitted to the president by all parties’ whips.

After a brief talk with Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, Mattarella made himself available, despite having repeatedly made clear, prior to the election, that he would not serve a second term.

The re-election of a head of state is rare in Italy. So far, only Giorgio Napolitano, Mattarella’s predecessor, had served a second term, and only for less than two years.

All major political leaders thanked Mattarella for his availability. “This is great news for Italians, and I am grateful to the president for choosing to oblige to the strong will expressed by parliament to reconfirm him to a second term,” Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, said in a note.

Enrico Letta, leader of centre-left Democratic Party, hailed Mattarella for taking a choice “of great generosity towards the country.”

Meanwhile, Letta noted, the fact that parties were unable to find an alternative common candidature should not be neglected.

Right-wing League’s leader, Matteo Salvini said, he was “comforted” by Mattarella’s choice. “I also feel very serene, because I have made (prior to the re-election) all possible proposals.”

Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, also a leading figure of the Five Star Movement, told reporters, the re-election was “a victory for the country.”

The pledging ceremony to reconfirm Mattarella is expected to take place next Thursday, when his first term officially ends.– NNN-AGENCIES  


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