

Covid-19: As rich nations battle coronavirus, anxiety grows for low-income states

Employees inspect the production of hand sanitizers in Cormart factory as the company steps up production of hand sanitizers to…

Covid-19: Russia confirms case in Putin’s administration, tightens curbs

People queue before undergoing medical tests for coronavirus disease MOSCOW, March 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The Kremlin confirmed a coronavirus case…

Covid-19: US man charged with terrorism after licking supermarket shelves to mock coronavirus

Cody Pfister was held in Warren County jail after being charged with a terrorism offence WARRENTON (Missouri, US), March 28…

Covid-19: Paris hospitals will be swamped within 48 hours after coronavirus spike – official

Medical staff, wearing protective suits and face masks PARIS, March 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) — A spike in coronavirus patients means hospitals…

Covid-19: Pres Trump signs $2.2 trillion US stimulus package into law

WASHINGTON, March 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) — US President Donald Trump on Friday signed a $2.2 trillion economic rescue package, calling the…

Amid coronavirus, Nigeria records 176 deaths from Lassa fever outbreak

ABUJA, March 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Amidst the burden from COVID-19, Nigeria has recorded three new deaths from Lassa fever, bringing…

Covid-19: Woman quarantined in “deplorable conditions” kills herself in Kenya

NAIROBI, March 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Kenyan media report that a woman who was being quarantined in the western city of…

Covid-19: Virus-free Lesotho, Zimbabwe announce lockdowns, South Africa enforces curfew

MASERU, March 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Despite being among Africa’s virus-free nations, Lesotho Prime Minister Tom Thabane, has announced a lockdown…

Covid-19: Virus-free Sierra Leone shuts borders after Guinea, Liberia closures

FREETOWN, March 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Virus-free Sierra Leone announced closure of its borders for a 30-day period barely days after…

Covid-19 shakes up politicians across Africa

ABIDJAN, March 28 (NNN-AGENCIES) — With Botswana’s head of state and Ivory Coast’s prime minister in self-quarantine and many government…