New Zealand Reports One New Case Of COVID-19

New Zealand Reports One New Case Of COVID-19

WELLINGTON, July 30 (NNN-AGENCIES) – New Zealand reported one new case of COVID-19 today, with the number of active cases in the country reaching 24, all in managed isolation facilities, according to the Ministry of Health.

It has been 90 days, since the last case of COVID-19 was acquired locally, from an unknown source, according to the ministry.

The new case was a woman in her 20’s, who arrived in New Zealand from Ireland, via Dubai, on July 24, and she has been transferred to Auckland for quarantine, a ministry’s statement said.

The total confirmed cases in the country is 1,210, which is the number reported to the World Health Organisation, and there is no one in New Zealand receiving hospital-level care for COVID-19, according to the statement.– NNN-AGENCIES


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