Israeli Missile Attack Targets Military Sites In Syrian Capital

Israeli Missile Attack Targets Military Sites In Syrian Capital

DAMASCUS, Dec 11 (NNN-SANA) – An Israeli missile attack hit military sites in the vicinity of the capital, Damascus, last night, the latest in a string of attacks targeting military sites in Syria.

Multiple powerful explosions reverberated across Damascus overnight. A military statement by the Syrian army said that, the Israeli attack was carried out from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

It added that, the Syrian air defence systems shot down some of the missiles and the losses were limited to material damages.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor, the Israeli missiles targeted sites in the Sayyeda Zeinab and Damascus International Airport areas, in the countryside of Damascus, where Lebanese Hezbollah and Iranian militias are located.

Positions belonging to the Syrian air defence forces were also targeted, with no information about human losses so far, the observatory added.

Since the beginning of this year, the observatory said, it had recorded 62 instances of Israel targeting Syrian territory.

Israel has carried out numerous airstrikes in Syria in recent years, reportedly targeting Iranian-backed militias and weapons shipments that are believed to be destined for Hezbollah.

These strikes are perceived as attempts to prevent the strengthening of Hezbollah’s armed capabilities, which Israel sees as a major threat to its national security.– NNN-SANA


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