UN Starts Emergency Plan To Deal With Fuel Shortage In Lebanon’s Hospitals

UN Starts Emergency Plan To Deal With Fuel Shortage In Lebanon’s Hospitals

BEIRUT, Sept 24 (NNN-NNA) – The United Nations, yesterday kicked off a three-month emergency plan, to provide fuel to all public hospitals, primary health care centres and dispensaries servicing the most vulnerable communities in different regions of Lebanon.

“The plan aims to maintain critical health, water and sanitation services, for the most vulnerable populations and prevent the discontinuation of lifesaving activities, implemented by humanitarian actors,” Najat Rochdi, the UN deputy special coordinator for Lebanon, was quoted as saying, in a statement released by the UN.

This plan, developed in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Health Organisation (WHO), and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), working on health issues, is part of the broader UN coordinated Emergency Response Plan, launched in early Aug, with a financial ask of 383 million U.S. dollars, to provide critical life-saving humanitarian assistance, to most vulnerable Lebanese and migrants affected by the ongoing crises.

Rochdi explained that, the UN intervention is temporary, as the responsibility to ensure uninterrupted provision of basic services remains with the government of Lebanon.

“I call on the government to save no effort to implement, at the earliest possible, sustainable solutions to the on-going energy crisis, and to protect the rights of families in Lebanon to access essential services” Rochdi said.

Lebanon is facing an unprecedented financial crisis, amid shortage of U.S. currency reserves, which prevent the country from importing essential needs, including fuel, medicines and food products.

The shortage of fuel posed great challenges on hospitals, which were forced, in some cases, to put off operations, risking the health of patients.– NNN-NNA


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