Roundup: 2020 Witnessed Growing Cooperation Between Egypt, China In Fighting COVID-19

Roundup: 2020 Witnessed Growing Cooperation Between Egypt, China In Fighting COVID-19

CAIRO, Jan 2 (NNN-MENA) – The outgoing 2020 bore witness to the growing cooperation between Egypt and China, in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, that hit the whole world over the past 12 months.

Hours before the New Year began, China and Egypt signed a letter of intent for cooperation on anti-coronavirus vaccines, after the North African country received a batch of COVID-19 vaccine, developed by Chinese giant drug-maker Sinopharm in Dec, 2020.

The letter was signed in Cairo by Chinese Ambassador, Liao Liqiang, on behalf of the National Health Commission, China, and Egyptian Assistant Health Minister, Public Health Initiatives, Mohamed Hassani, in the presence of Health Minister, Hala Zayed.

“Egypt-China relations are particularly friendly, and our cooperation in health field has been further expanded,” Zayed said on Thursday.

The Egyptian minister added, “Phase III clinical trial of Sinopharm’s vaccine is progressing smoothly, and its effectiveness have been scientifically certified.”

For his part, Liao said, “China and Egypt have helped each other amid the menacing pandemic,” stressing the signing of the letter of intent is cooperation between the two countries, to build a healthy community.

The vaccine is not the only aspect of medical cooperation between the two countries in fighting the viral disease, for their exchange of medical aid and expertise demonstrated a new dimension of their friendship throughout 2020.

At the start of the crisis and in the middle of China’s fierce battle against the virus, Egypt expressed wholehearted support for China, donated tonnes of medical supplies to China in Jan, 2020, and sent the health minister to visit China, as sign of solidarity.

While the Egyptian minister was flying to Beijing, Egypt lit up three of its famous historical sites, including ancient temples in Luxor and Aswan, in red and golden stars, to resemble the national flag of China, expressing solidarity with the Chinese people during their battle against the pandemic.

In response, after it managed to curb the spread of the virus, China returned the favour by sending three batches of medical aid to Egypt.

Last Apr, a joint Egyptian-Chinese plant for producing high-quality surgical masks was inaugurated in an industrial zone in Cairo. The joint venture between Egypt’s Euromed for Medical Industries and China’s Ningbo A Plus Import and Export Co., Ltd targeted a production capacity of 1.5 million masks per day.

The Sino-Egyptian cooperation was not restricted to medical aid, but went to reach joint cultural activities.

Last May, Egyptian and Chinese musicians staged a virtual performance of the Triumphal March, from the opera Aida, to inspire people in such difficult times.

Later in June, musicians from China’s Liaoning Symphony Orchestra and Cairo Symphony Orchestra staged an online concert to mark the 64th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries.– NNN-MENA


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